I’m Mateusz Suchoń. I live in Kraków, where I'm simplifying problems.

I've loved coding for a really long time. It always reminds me of playing with Lego. Putting things together and seeing them work. I created my first website when I was 11 years old. It was created in MS Word, but my passion for web projects stayed with me.

With coding, I found another interest - problem-solving. Very often I'm trying to find a business problem I can solve with code. This is a great exercise for creativity and learning new technology things. I hope to develop my own product one day.

In my career I'm looking for the sweet spot - a perfect mix of remote work and a great team, a sense of ownership and freedom, working in technologies I'm good at, and learning new things.

Besides coding there are a lot of activities in my life: sailing, playing samba, diving, walking the dog, biking, gym, traveling and food. I have just one life and I want to try everything.